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Welcome to the Overlook Park Neighborhood Association (OPNA) 

Homeowners in our neighborhood originally founded the O.P.N.A. in 2011 to improve neighborhood cohesion and identity.

Since then, the association has grown to include approximately 150 households stretching east-west from Nicholson to Parkside and Belle and north-south from the lakeshore to Lake Avenue. The association includes a nine-member Board and several committees. Participation is voluntary and open to all neighborhood homeowners for a small annual fee.

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Our primary purpose is to gather socially on a regular basis to encourage camaraderie and friendship while improving neighborhood cohesion and identity.

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Popular O.P.N.A. events include New Neighbor Socials, Happy Hours, the Garden Tour, the Memorial Day Children’s Bike Parade, the Blocktail Party, Light Up Overlook Park, and the Annual Meeting, among others.

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We communicate actively regarding neighborhood news, safety, history, and planning. Outlets include our informative newsletter, annual directory, e-mail, and a private Facebook group.